A collaborative exhibition led by photographer David Heke.

Inspired by Alan Garner’s classic novel ‘The Owl Service’

Petals and Claws is a touring exhibition and features fine art photography and video by David Heke, paintings by Jenny Ryrie and ceramic sculptures by Liz Ellis. It celebrates the 50th anniversary of publication of Alan Garner’s classic novel ‘The Owl Service’. The story recounts a strange recurring love triangle set in the remote Welsh valley of Llanymawddwy  – the haunting narrative was inspired by tales from The Mabinogion, an ancient collection of Welsh myths.

The three artists were privileged to work with Alan Garner himself and spent many months researching the ideas and locations behind the novel.

The exhibition has also included poetry, music, dance and installations by other writers, musicians and artists during its tour between 2017 and 2019 at venues including M.O.M.A. in North Wales; Ruthin Craft Centre; Storyhouse, Chester ; Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough; The Old Medicine House at The Blackden Trust; Plas Glyn y Weddw.

The exhibition appeared recently during the Words By The Water Literature Festival 2020 at Theatre by the Lake in Keswick. Due to coronavirus lockdown the artworks are still in place in the Circle Gallery until further notice.