Jenny Ryrie R.B.S.A.

Jenny Ryrie R.B.S.A.

Jenny Ryrie is a contemporary painter specialising in water-based media on paper.
She has an M.A. in Fine Art (Edinburgh) and is a member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists.
Based in Chester on the border with Wales, she also spends much of her time in Cornwall with studios in both locations.
Having exhibited for several years in the U.S.A. exploring the landscapes of the American wilderness, she now spends much of her time painting in Wales, Cumbria and the South West.
Jenny comes from four generations of landscape artists (inc. William Evans (of Eton) and Samuel T.G. Evans) all of whom were dedicated to the watercolour medium.

She interprets landscape in terms of energies, focusing on light, movement and atmosphere, using fluid colour and form to distill the essence of her subject matter. She also creates large abstract watercolours exploring the communication of ideas, emotions and sound through painting, using a visual vocabulary that can be read intuitively and through association.

Jenny specializes in watercolour with its potential for creating a huge range of abstract effects when translucent pigments interact with water on the absorbent paper ground. She also uses acrylics and mixed media in order to introduce elements of opacity and texture.

A selection of solo and group exhibitions :

Abstract Variations Royal Birmingham Society Of Artists 2019
Light and Water Plas Glyn y Weddw, Llanbedrog 2019
Watershed Belgrave Gallery, St.Ives 2018
Wild Shores, Safe Havens Yew Tree Gallery, Morvah, West Cornwall 2018
R.B.S.A. Selected Members and Associates John Noott Galleries, Broadway Arts Festival 2018
Contemporary Watercolour Competition Royal Watercolour Society, Bankside, London 2018
Petals and Claws Touring exhibition inc. Ruthin Craft Centre;  Blackden Trust, Cheshire;  Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough;  M.O.M.A. Wales 2017/18/19
Equivalent 8 Royal Birmingham Society of Artists 2017
On The Cusp Penwith Society of Arts, St.Ives 2017
True To Form Yew Tree Gallery, Morvah 2016
Filaments ‘Tracing the thread in the Cumbrian landscape’ Theatre By The Lake, Keswick (WBTW Literature Festival) 2015
Elemental Language Salthouse Gallery, St.Ives 2014
White Water, White Light   Royal Birmingham Society of Artists 2014
By Land and Sea Porthminster Gallery, St.Ives 2013
Songs of the Elements Galerie Englische Kirche, Meiringen, Switzerland 2009
Fire and Ice: Colour and Line in Contemporary Art Grosvenor Museum, Chester 2006
Musical Abstracts C2 Gallery at Mermaid Theatre, London (BBC Radio 2 Jazz Awards 2005)
Abstractions Wendy J. Levy Contemporary Art, Manchester 2002
Tides and Dreams Kingfisher Gallery, Edinburgh 2000
Miracles Canyon Road Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, U.S.A. 1999
Earth and Stars Canyon Road Contemporary Art, U.S.A. 1998
Edge of the Wilderness Canyon Road Contemporary Art, U.S.A. 1997
Chester Artists in Russia Ekaterinburg Museum Of Fine Art, Russia 1997
Night and Day Canyon Road Contemporary Art, U.S.A. 1996
Works on Paper   Thackeray Gallery, London 1991

Publications :

12 Women Artists in the North West (Manchester, Judy Rose & Wendy J Levy) 2006
Millers Pictures Price Guide New Edition 2005 (London, Mitchell Beazley)
The BritArt Directory 2001 (Sheffield, Henry Mayhew) 2001
Dictionary of Artists in Britain Since 1945: David Buckman (Bristol: Art Dictionaries Ltd) 1998
Picturesque Chester, The City in Art by Peter Boughton (Phillimore) 1997
(selected watercolour plates)
Botanical poster (12 botanical watercolour plates) Drake Educational Productions 1985
(Silver medal award Apicultural Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1989)
Flora of Arabia (botanical plates)
Flora Iranica (botanical plates)
Journal of Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Honeybees in Oman (Sultanate of Oman/University of Durham) 1982
(40 watercolour plates)

Collections :

Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Natural History Museum, Sultanate of Oman
University of Durham
L.I.M.E. Central Manchester N.H.S. Trust
Macclesfield General Hospital, East Cheshire N.H.S. Trust
British Midland Airline, Manchester Airport
Tetrapak Ltd.
Brown-Forman Corporation, U.S.A.
Burke Ford Insurance
Rathbones, Birmingham