


The elemental nature of waterfalls, sea and sky - a distillation of energies caught in paint. The watercolour medium itself is the very essence of light and water since translucency and fluidity are its key properties. Through experimenting with pouring and gestural techniques an elusive alchemy takes place on the paper when pigments and water interact. Much of the work for this exhibition involved exploring and sketching throughout Wales, including locations in the Brecon National Park, Devil’s Bridge, Swallow Falls, Aber Falls and the coastline of West Wales. May 2019


A group exhibition by 8 abstract artists held at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists in 2019 including paintings, prints, sculptures and constructions. In my series of watercolours, sounds, rhythms and mood are conveyed by a visual vocabulary that can be read intuitively and through association, conjuring echoes of jazz, blues, individual instruments and musical experiences.


Noun : An area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins or seas. An event or period marking a turning point in a situation. The fluidity of water-based paint on paper - watercolour, gouache, acrylics. Streams, waterfalls, rivers, sea and coast - features connecting geographically to the Cornish watershed. The tipping point between pictorial representation and abstraction in art.


The Cornish coastal landscape. Standing on the edge. The movement of sun, winds and tides creating a sense of restlessness and anticipation. Times of transition and the inevitability of change.


Energies of the coastal landscape. The flux of water, light and weather mirroring human states of mind until we seem to become part of the landscape itself. Nature speaks to us, but is an elusive language to translate. We feel but cannot articulate. The paintings in this exhibition attempt to bring us closer to its spiritual rather than physical meaning.

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